Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Introduction of Flavored Sparkling water In INDIA

India's FIRST 100% natural Sparkling Fruit water

Water from time immemorial has been flowing from mountain peaks covered by snow and ice flowing down to form lakes,
rivers and seas, refreshed by rains at different times of the year around the world.
This bountiful blessing of nature is one of the most important part of our daily life, without this life on earth will cease very quickly. No wonder that our body itself is made up of, like the water bodies on the earth‟s surface 71%, so is our body, and
to keep this water in our body refreshed we need to drink a minimum of 1½ to 2 liters of water per day, and amazingly about
70% of this is absorbed by the brain itself. So to keep your brain sharp….. Drink lots of water. This advice from our parents
and grandparents and their peers not to single out doctors have emphasized the importance of drinking water.
Now to make this very mundane compulsion more exciting
RAAJ Industry and Services, an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company
Has taken it upon itself to give you water with a “difference” namely
“Mashqui Fruit water” an ISO 22000:2005 certified product. At the heart of healthy lifestyle